Izuku Midoriya, a 15 year old boy who is battling the struggle of life. His mother Inko Midoriya was brutally murdered when he was 13. He was left with nowhere to go. His father abondoned him when he was 3 years old, he gave up all legal hold on the boy.
He felt lost, abandoned. He fell into a adoptive care program. He was an orphan. Nobody to be happy about going home to. He knew for sure he wanted to get into UA. That would help him.
Lucky him, his quirk, winged blades, did indeed get him into UA, class 1-A to be exact. It even got him a girlfriend, named Ochako Uraraka. Sadly, the school was attacked by villains so many times they got dorms.
Not just that, but as soon as things were looking up, they started to fall apart again, Izuku's girlfriend Uraraka, cheated on him with Tenya Lida, his best friend. They broke up.
So when they broke up, Lida quit being his friend, and Todoroki had been better friends with Lida than Izuku, so Todoroki quit being his friend, Izuku was alone again.
He tried to befriend Katsuki, but he would just yell insults to him. He talked to Mina and the rest of the girls aside from Ochako, but they just talked awkwardly about stuff. He tried all the rest of the boys in 1-A too, but no luck.
He was all by himself...
But, what would happen at the sports festival, when Izuku's unkown brother, Keigo Takami, spots him. He finds interest in the boys quirk as well. What happens when he decides to adopt the boy. Will his life get better?