"Another season has begun. Everyone is busy as the school is about to start after a long month vacation, after the government realizes that students also need to rest their mind. I'm not saying that I'm happy because we had a long month vacation, why would we want to have fun knowing the reason they had to give us long break is because of the growing cases of suicide in our country. " It's not just that, the daughter of our country's president committed suicide too because of the high expectation of his dad to her to always be the top student of their school because soon she'll be the next one to take over her dad's presidency. Why on earth people in the high rank would only make a move after one of their family is at risk or when someone close to them died. In my old school, our principal's wife had a cold and he gave everyone a week vacation, my homeroom teacher asked for a day off because he's sick but they didn't let him because most of the teacher in our school went on a trip to represent our school in a math competition so no one can substitute him. Isn't that already unfair? Living in this kind of society really kills people physically and mentally. -- READ THE WHOLE CHAPTER ONEAll Rights Reserved