"I Know you will come.I love you so much" My breathe hitched with her confession and I lost my words looking at the flawless face.The same innocence and sugar jelly lips even a bit hasn't changed Words she confessed made me to forget about the world but immediately my mind alerted saying those are for someone else which made my already wrecked heart to break into a billion pieces Voice I longed for,face which I printed in my heart forever is infront of me "Sid!!!" I felt like ages as I heard my name from her 3 years since I met her or I can say I stared Her pictures were my part of my life but looking at her eye lids which are opening and closing is a bliss for me I'm in my wonderland but sudden storm brought me back _______________________ Siddhartha Roy and Amrutha Mathur are back So after Technically-Not in love again a two shots on our favourite couple #Sidam Shower your love guys This book is dedicated to die heart Siddhartha fan @vpsisthename20All Rights Reserved