This actually came to my mind lol so I'm not sure if it's any good but eh- Blueberry wakes up one day and he hears a voice asking him to go outside and explore the portal that has opened up he heads outside to discover the portal being the curious bean he was he goes through the portal only to discover that there is a sans exactly like him but he's killing off innocent monsters. Blue tries to turn back before it's too late but the portal closes and blue is left all alone with a killer. The two begin to bond overtime dust constantly flirts with blue at times and he starts to get a bit possessive at times blue on the otherhand doesn't know how to react due to dust constantly flirting with him but as time goes on he starts developing feelings for dust but it's not the kind of puppy love you'd expect it's something much more than that it's the type of love they'd call lovesick. (There's lemon in this story if you don't like it then don't read it)All Rights Reserved