Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu (may peace, mercy and blessing of Allah with you) Dear readers.
The whole purpose of writing this book is to share with you the dua's and zikir of Allah (S.W.T) with its meanings.
May Allah (S.W.T) guide us all, make the path towards jannah (heaven) easiest, gave us ability to to walk in straight path, gave us ability to please and pray without any distraction, mistake and bad thoughts, ameen.
May Allah (S.W.T) protect us from evil, from riyaa (transgressing) and increase our imaan (faith), increase our belive in Allah (S.W.T) and make us among those that enter jannah from back door, ameen.
Let me inform you that most of dua and hadith is from Muslim Pro app, it has dua, hadiths and words of quran with translation in whichever language you want plus audio, I personally use it day and night and trust me its amazing, so if you want to know where most of dua is coming from than is from Muslim Pro app, here the link, try it out.