After planet Phantomtopia is invaded, Princess Crystina takes the Phantom Stones and seeks refuge on Earth to find individuals with strong "shining spirits", or Jewel Crystal, to become the Power Rangers Jewel Phantom and fight off the threat of Darkstal, an imperial army of darkness that now plans to invade Earth.
With help from Dr. Tim Earson, the teacher of Diana High School, a private organization created in preparation for Darkstal's attack, Crystian meets the new student in Diana High School Art, Jeremy Legard, the Games Club professional Lucas Morris, Students carrying skateboarders, Rose Garner, the student Famous comedian Julian Hawkins and the nurse student Sandy Snyder, who accept the duty to protect Earth as the Jewel Phantom. The team later gains a sixth member: the treasure student hunter Prince Crystian, Dr. Earson's long-lost only son who was adopted into Princess Crystina's family after he became a human/Phantomtopia hybrid.