"I think you were doing fairly good without my intervention, though" Touma said, curious, and trying really hard not to let his mouth run free like it was usual of him. He had already done that while talking with Hana, for the past thirty minutes. Oh, and Aiura barely had said anything in all that time, now that Touma thought about it. Interesting... "And I do want ice cream, yes."
"Well maybe it looked like I was, but I'm awful with kids, especially the little ones. The younger the worst." They went looking for those ice creams, walking side by side, "so when you showed up, I thought, 'YES, THANK YOU JESUS'." She patted him in the back, lips curved in a comfortable, prívate smile that didn't showed her teeth. He felt his throat dry all of a sudden.
A little bit of MikoTou frienship.
Way Way More Random Disventure Camp Stuff (The Quadrilogy)
200 parts Complete
200 parts
This is part 4 of random Disventure Camp stuff since part 3 is done. We're back with even more random stuff like incorrect quotes, OCs, Ship pics, OC HCs and etc.