Third POV In a world torn apart by conflict between mythical beings and humans, a leader named Alexander, known as the Human Alpha, possessed the power to manipulate all four elements. When Alexander passed away, the world fell into chaos. Years later, a young girl named Cordelia discovered an ancient artifact that would change her life forever. Cordelia, in her 20s, led an ordinary life and wanted the life of an adventure until one day, she stumbled upon the artifact. It awakened dormant powers within her, allowing her to sense and control the elements. News of Cordelia's newfound magic spread, and factions saw her as a beacon of hope or a threat. Caught in the crossfire, Cordelia embarked on a journey of self-discovery and survival. With the help of her new ally, Aaron, who aids her in the journey as she embraces her destiny as the new Human Alpha-her mission is to unite mythical beings and humans and restore balance to the world. Thus, the tale of Cordelia, the new Human Alpha, began, holding the world's breath as her extraordinary journey unfolded.