Hidden beneath the hallowed halls of Hogwarts lies a clandestine love story that defies tradition and convention. Seraphina, a young witch with a heart as fierce as her determination, finds herself ensnared in a forbidden romance with Severus Snape, the enigmatic Potions Master. Their love, a secret too perilous to share, sparks a journey fraught with danger, risking not only their own futures but the very foundations of the magical world they hold dear. Along the way, Seraphina loses and finds friends, while both she and Severus struggle to overcome their inner demons. Join them in this captivating tale of love, sacrifice, and the unyielding resilience of the human heart, as they navigate the treacherous waters of secrecy and passion at the world's most famous school of magic.
The Locke's were a very wealthy family with ties and connections to various other families including the Malfoys, Zabini's and Greengrass's. After her Father's passing she took over the family enterprises, receiving help from Lucius Malfoy, her Father's dearest friend. Everything was fine, until out of nowhere her mother decides to ship her off to Hogwarts. Having been homeschooled all her life she was skeptical. Practically thrown to the snakes Elliana finds herself clinging to the things she knows most, books, spells, potions and her only friend -mind you, for a short while- Draco Malfoy.