Alexander, age 16, hits his head on a rock and when he wakes up, knows things nobody from his world should know. Things from another world, from a country called the U.S. (because the author is from the U.S. and doesn't know enough from Japan to do it, sorry!) and inventions such as the smartphone and traveling into space that don't exist in the world he's in. Suddenly this previously sour and bratty boy becomes kind and more relaxed, making logical and knowledgeable decisions. And there's something about this world that's special. It's a fantasy world as Alex now knows. With dragons, monsters, magic, and different species coexisting. Kind of. Not really. You see (typical cliche) hybrids/demihumans are treated unfairly by the humans who are the majority greatly overbearing on all the other species. And so Alex decides to do what he can do to help them. Not by fighting or something drastic like that, but instead taking them into his care so that they could all come to him for refuge. Note: This is basically the authors comfort story to write when they're feeling downAll Rights Reserved
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