At that time i was 7 years old, when i was in grade 1 elementary school.My grandmother invited me to go to the Urn and entourage feom Legok.I am waiting grandmother from Kranggan accompanied my mother.A few minutes later, grandmother arrives in Kranggan i goodbye to mom.As aoon as as we arrived in Guci.We to go to beach and look the scenery and bridge at the and beach.I swim in the beach is a black and all my body full of sand.Nothing camera, so this moment can't be immortalized.I feel hungry so, i run to grandmother.
My grandmother bring chicken, salted fish, rice, etc.We around many seller vegetables salad, and me also buy it.After that, i next travel to market GUCI.Before marjet guci, i am looking waterfall and swimming pool hot.
Many a great place there are swimming pool, waterfall, market, cllifs, etc.I forget to buy something.
In the swimming pool i want swim but my grandmother doesn't allow.Yeah........finally i go to market guci have a look souvenir and crafts from shells.After all finish, i come back to car and continue travel to Kranggan.