Zayn and Aleece, his cousin visiting from Bradford are caught up in apeshit and hell breaking loose.
Zayn finds a girl he was once interested in, Carter, wandering the streets hungry with no way of surviving; her aunt.. was now one of the mutant creatures wandering the streets of Jersey. So was her brother, Nuelle and her sister Xanna were both eaten alive by the creatures as she tried to help.. Her help went no where and se blames herself for their deaths.
The government highly doubts that there are anymore people out concluding that their apocalyptic shelter is filled to the max.
The 20 to 30 feet thick, 10 story high walls of the shelter are locked tight to the extent where a tornado the side of a football field wouldn't be able to tear through it.
Zayn, Aleece, Carter and a few other survivors are only witnessing the beginning of hell.
But the main question:
Will they live to see the end?