A life lived in love will never be dull. They say that there is only one thing that we have to learn in this world, to love and to be loved in return. People do stupid things just because of love. But what does love really mean?
She's a girl who has a big dream. A type of person who isn't interested when it's not her business. Not until someone came into her life and help her in so many things.
He's cold, he doesn't want anyones attention.
He's weak, because his source of strength are already broken. But when someone came into his life, he learns how to be strong.
He learns how to stand on his own.
But like how a typically love story goes, fate is also cruel to them. The end will not be happy without going through pain.
Is their love for each other enough to say that happy ending does exist?
Can they prove the radiant of their love, despite of every circumstances?