In a world where Voldemort took power but was successfully defeated by the Ministry, Lily, James, Remus, Sirius, Marlene, Mary, and Dorcas survived and were able to continue their lives.
Now, almost ten years after the unsuccessful attempt to kill James and Lily, they continued to live their lives and were able to raise their son Harry the way they were almost meant to.
Sirius and Remus had a child of their own: Valentina (Val) Lupin-Black, who grew up with Harry, her best friend, and everyone she loved at her side.
Now, it's Harry and Val's turn to enjoy the adventure. Starting with the first day of their first year at Hogwarts, this book will take you through all seven years at Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, with plenty of twists, turns, and content we all desperately deserve after loving these characters for too long, wishing things had turned out another way.
*This story is still ongoing! I plan to update whenever I can, every few days.
*All of the characters (except the ones that I have created) and major plot lines (unfortunately) are credited to JKR, whose beliefs I do not support. This is a wolfstar, jily, marauders, lgbtq+, harry potter universe safe place, and everyone is welcome here to enjoy the story.
It's clear that Severus Snape has never been great friends with the chaotic group known as the marauders but when his twin sister must be moved to Hogwarts from Beauxbatons in her fifth year for her own safety, the group take a sudden interest in the mysterious girl. One Marauder in particular, Sirius Black.
With Snape keeping a protective eye over her surely nothing bad was going to happen...
At least that's what he'd hope.
[5/4/20] N°1 - #Maraudersera
[11/4/20] N°1 - #JamesPotter
[16/4/20] N°1 - #padfoot
[4/6/20] N°1 - #hogwarts
[13/6/20] N°1 - #hogsmeade
[20/9/20] N°1 - #wormtail
[2/11/20] N°1 - #prongs
**Disclaimer - I do not own any of the characters from the original Harry Potter books, only the ones you do not recognise such as Silver.