Boyfriend made sure he had a few dimes left to spare for the telephone booth. Friday nights were the most memorable moments, as he would always call his buddy to vibe with him near the train bench. Never a Friday they haven't bonded, until the shooting left a gap between the two. 3rd week of a Friday Night, unexpected he was to face eye-to-eye with his childhood friend to drop sicko mode beats in the same place they hung out years before their long-term separation. Even then, Pico never gave up the gun. But mutual destiny of becoming top-tier techno rappers binds their fates together. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: -This is Pico and BF, not Pico x BF (although there are some hints of it). -Hell no besties, I ain't using the name Keith. -I inspired the Blammed scene in an animation I found on Youtube. -I only read a few FNF fanfiction , so this might come off as cliche and overused. -I based the oneshot on the canon material confirmed by the creators of FNF and Pico's School. -Yes Tankman Captain is featured because he is awesome. -Plot inspired by original game works of Pico's School (1999) and Friday Night Funkin (2020). Aight enjoy your day homies BD Cover art by me :D Finished story on May 29, 2021All Rights Reserved