It's not a story,it's a bunch of poems. Each poem describes a particular time of a day. According to "VEDAS",a full day has 8 total parts.They are called "PRAHARA".Each of them consits 3 hours of time.4 of them are in the part of "DINACHARIYA"(Day time) and other 4 are of "RATRICHARIYA"(Night time).
Besides,every poem style is different than each other. Cause we can describe things with the help of different type,style,tradition,rituals and many more for a particular thing,to make sequence more perfect and touchy. That's why I studied about many traditional facts,rituals,contries and more to get the specimen for to apply here to make it feel the best as much as possible for me. So u can find vibes of many different countries, religions etc etc different in each of them.
So here are those poems by which I tried to uphold the vibes of different times of a full day.