Welcome to Sailfish Swimming Academy. You have been accepted into this prestigious program on the account of your recognition and achievements in the competitive world of swimming. Here you will learn how to improve and make use of your talent for swimming to compete in a higher level of competitions or share your talent with others. There are few rules to follow for this academy. Failure to comply will result in immediate expulsion. One: You must reside in the dorms unless allowed by the school board. Two: If you cannot keep up, you will be asked to leave. Three: There are absolutely no girls allowed in any boys dorms or boys allowed in any girls dorms at any time. Alexandra Vann was accepted into Sailfish Swimming Academy with her best friend Caleb D'Orsay. But she has one problem. She was accepted into a boys dorm where she is roommates with Caleb and six other guys. She wants to stay, but if she is found out she will be expelled. Will she be able to survive the summer? A/N: So this is one of the first story prompts I ever came up with and when I was cleaning up this past summer I found my original journal with the beginning in it (plus a couple others). I absolutely love it especially because I love swimming! This one is just for fun for me so I'll post when I'm motivated to write more. Feel free to leave comments and don't forget to vote!