The Kingdom of sage was a magnificent place. Every aspect of the kingdom was beautiful, from the poorest of peasants to the richest of men. The grass is greener and the trees are taller. The sun always shines on such a blessed place. Now I know dear reader, you are wondering, "Who guides such a wonderful kingdom?" Well, I'm here to answer and the leader of sage is none other than Uovu Na Hatari. Now many of the people of Sage may say the Uovu Na Hatari is a great man who deserves all of his praise and adoration. While others say that Uovu Na Hatari is a vile evil roach that needs to be brought down immediately. Though you will seldom find these people. Our gracious leader does not take kindly to people who think harshly of him. People who think harshly of others make them ugly and ugly did not belong in the beautiful Kingdom of Sage. So the ever so humble leader takes it upon himself to have all of those ugly people simply removed. To make sure that forevermore The Kingdom Of Sage stays a beautiful place. Well, all to say this story is not about Uovu or his particular ways. This story concerns someone far more interesting.