Seventeen-year-old Phil Lester has been brought up in a life of luxury and love in District 2. Despite being from a career district, he...doesn’t exactly fit the cold and bloodthirsty image. Instead, he’s simply a sweet, cheerful guy. When he’s Reaped for the Forty-fourth Hunger Games, he’s surprised and a little scared--but he keeps up his spirits (someone has to be the optimistic one!), and he’s accepted into the classically brutal career pack...where he finds he doesn’t fit in.
Sixteen-year-old Dan Howell is a poor bitter guy from District 5, without a stable family or a true place to fit in. When he’s Reaped too, he doesn’t even care. His plan is to win though: he doesn’t want to die of course, and he figures then he can finally move out of his abusive father’s reach…
For Dan, the boy with the cold hands and the pursed lips, it’s all working out. He actually stands a chance! And it’s a little scary, but he’s completely indifferent to killing his opponents...that is, until he meets Phil. Phil, the rich boy with a smile to spare; Phil, the kindest, friendliest career Dan has ever even heard of. And Dan, who’s been living a very tense closeted life so far, finally lets his facade fall...and he falls awfully for a boy who will have to die for he himself to win. How can he choose?!
Meanwhile, Phil is unnerved by his alliance. Having become friends with Dan and oblivious to his feelings (for now), he decides to make him his new ally...but again, at what price? Will the careers come after them in revenge? ...and will Phil find out?
PHAN x The Hunger Games AU! no smut...sorry to disappoint but I don't do's still good though, trust me. it's ongoing. pretty easy to understand, I think. Please give it a chance, and enjoy!! And take time out of your day to comment!!! Thanks for reading...!
Two anorexia patients
Two untold stories
Is a slim chance really enough to survive?
When Dan Howell is sent to a rehab full of depressed teenage girls, will he ever be able to escape his traumatic past?
It's a slim chance... until Phil Lester comes along that is.
please be aware that this was written a long time before it was uploaded and my writing style has changed a lot since then. I won't be rewriting this to fix any mistakes so please DONT bother pointing them out
thanks and enjoy!