Alex he had a rough childhood, he was bullied by virtually everyone he knew. His Parents, classmates, teachers, hell even cops. He was loved by no one so one day when he was coming back from a trip to Florida to see his aunts and uncles, he decided to instead of getting on a flight to his hometown he stowed away on a flight to Tokyo Japan. When he got off the flight a couple along with their at the time 8 year old daughter Alex was 6. Found him and took him to an orphanage. 3 weeks pass and Alex has turned 7 the same family came back and adopted him and he learned their names Sadao Kujo, Holly Kujo, and there daughter Jotaro Kujo. They felt like his real family so regardless of them not being blood related called them his mom, dad, and his sister. He even took the last name Kujo. As time passed Jotaro has been acting weird around him. He noticed that whenever there hands were brushed together when he'd look up at her she'd blush, he would sometimes catch her staring at him, and the most bizarre she's never really been one to show affection and recently whenever she got the chance or had an excuse too she'd hug, kiss like a peck, cuddle, and get all around really affectionate towards him. On one faithful day however all of that will change.