Similar to the original My Hero Academia, this story focuses on Izuku Midoriya, a young man who was diagnosed as Quirkless, however, this did not stop his dream of becoming Japan's Number One Hero, similar to his idol and legendary hero All Might, commonly known as the Symbol of Peace due to his exploits across the world. But, unlike the original My Hero Academia, Izuku Midoriya did not inherit One For All from All Might, instead, he gained his abilities from Saitama, also known as One Punch Man in his world. Saitama was somehow transported to the My Hero Academia Universe, in hopes of finding a worthy successor, similar to All Might, to inherit his abilities. Now, with the help of Saitama's godly abilities, Izuku Midoriya embarks on his path of becoming a hero, even if it meant he was able to mostly defeat anything with one single punch.
For viewers, I do not own My Hero Academia nor do I own One Punch Man. I also do not own any of the pictures that are used in this story. This is solely for entertainment purposes. This is also inspired by many My Hero Academia x One Punch Man stories, especially the ones where Saitama gets transported to the My Hero Academia world.
Also, if you wish to learn about the original characters used in this story, go watch My Hero Academia & One Punch Man.
This is a Fanfiction based off of BNHA, or My Hero Academia. Instead of a reality where the main character, Izuku Midoriya, is born without a quirk, he develops quite a... how do I put it... a villain's quirk. He is made fun of for this quirk that would be better for evil and decides they're right. He joins the league of villains in hope of revenge against the ones who hurt him, including All Might. Does he succeed? Read the story to find out!
Obviously, I do not own my hero academia or any of the characters.