My name is Malia Thomas and this is my story , the story of a girl who learnt to stand up for what she believed in.My favourite things to do used to basically consist of reading romantic books and watching sappy romantic comedies that make me want to cry because i knew i'd never experience that kind of love. I say used to because i'm not that little girl who'd sit in the corner and feel sorry for herself anymore. The death of my twin brother Marcus has shown me just how short life can be ,one minute you're here and the next you're not . I still remember the last words my brother spoke to me before i heard a loud bang on the other end of the call, he was pretty drunk so i assumed it was all just word vomit ,he had said to me that i needed to be strong, that i needed to stand up for myself ,that i needed to show those who are willing to get to know me what a remarkable person i was,he told me that he loved me and he needed me to stop living in the shadows of others because if i didn't i'd never bloom to my full potential . This is me making a change,trying to conquer my last year of high school,trying to make my brother proud.All Rights Reserved