18 parts Ongoing In a cold and rainy city, comes the story of two unlikely individuals. A criminal prodigy and a Grisha. The boy, known more commonly by the alias he shared with his brother, together they were the "bastards of the barrel." His brother was Dirtyhands, he was the Strategist. She was Grisha. It was complicated to be a Grisha. Some wanted them dead, others wanted their service, more still wanted them for experiments, and some others revered them. Of all those that she could have ended up with, she was instead bound to a lifetime of debt. The story of Kasper Brekker and Lanying Kir-Zhengyi.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ "Together, until the end of time. That is how long I would stay with you, Kasper Brekker."
- Lanying Kir-Zhengyi