Skylar Peterson, the odd ball out of the group. Not so much as odd, but everyone lost something that she still hasn't.
Their virginity.
Now it's not because of looks. Skylar is not hideous like some sort of monster pulled out of a horror story, but she is neither the goddess of beauty like Aphrodite in Mythology. She has just always been waiting for that special someone to take her virginity.
But one day, realization decides to slap Skylar in the face when finding out that no ones special nor perfect. It comes to her attention that her boyfriend has been cheating on her all through out their three year relationship.
She is naïve and is well aware of it, she gives people too many chances to walk all over her. She believes in the saying, "Benefit of The Doubt," but when finding about her boyfriend's cheating methods for three years straight, it seems that the "Benefit of The Doubt" had never existed in Skylar's head.
All in all Skylar's personality is aggressive at times, a bubbly person, who is unique and know what she Is and owns up to it. She has high intellect for who she is. She is the one who is the most noticeable out of the bunch. Skylar is not a follower and her preppy friends know that and have shockingly come to respect that. More like, have to respect that with who Skylar is.
She's a senior in High School and is loving the fact that she's down with all this High School Crap.
Now, no one has ever asked who she has slept with because everyone has just assumed that she is no longer a virgin. Why? Well to be honest, it's because no one is a virgin is Westwood High School except for little Miss Peterson. If that came out, it would be as if she would be disowned. So, Skylar has to play along and lie of course when the topic of sex comes into play.
But what if one night Skylar is sick and tired of being a virgin? Will she keep it or will she lose it at her best friends eighteenth birthday party?
Bir kaldırımın köşesinde buldum hayalimi.
Gözlerimi kapattım, bıraktım avucuna kalbimi.
Dedi ki, sonuna kadar tutacak mısın elimi?
İçimden cevapladım, birlikte tırmanacağız tüm merdivenleri.
Mumlar üfledim, dilekler diledim.
Kayan her yıldızda adını sayıkladı dilim.
Ve o bana doğru tek bir adım geldiğinde
Ben hiç gitmesin diye bütün yolları denedim.
"Doruk?" dedim heyecanla. Bakışları yüzümde oyalanmaya devam ettikçe duramadım yerimde. Bir şey söyleyecekti. Bir şey söylemek için buradaydı. "Kaptın mı formayı?"
"Feza," dedi ve seri adımlarla ona doğru ilerlediğim sırada o da birkaç adım yaklaştı bana. Sadece ismimi söylemişti ama heyecanını yansıtması için bu yeterliydi. Devam etmesini beklerken kalbim yerinden çıkacak gibiydi. "Kaptık formayı."