Sesshomaru's group, consisting of Rin, Master Jaken, and the two-headed dragon Ah-Un, is on a journey. As the human six-teen year old girl accompanies them, the company must hide her essence by spending the nights going from village to village in undercover. However, Rin is tired of it, for the houses where they used to stay were luxurious mansions where people do nothing but admire the beautiful Lord Sesshomaru, her couple. So, tired of it, she argues with him about her participation in the trip. Both, with good arguments, end up not understanding each other. Then Rin separates from him for a moment without expecting what she was about to find on her way: the village of her childhood. Should she go to that place of which she keep sad memories from her past? Or should she turn a blind eye and return to Lord Sesshomaru, who did not understand her need to help him? She does not know. Her feet seem to be glued to the ground . . .
When the wolf demon known as Hana grows weary of her tribes lifestyles and runs away, she stumbles upon many new faces - one of those being that of Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands. As circumstances soon cause Hana to start travelling with Lord Sesshomaru, she faces many challenges, including her slowly developing feelings toward the daiyokai. Sesshomaru, who has now learnt what it means to be compassionate from Rin, his human ward, may soon learn another lesson when it comes to caring for others.
Can Hana manage to evoke a change in the heart of the cold dog demon?
(Disclaimer: All Inuyasha characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi )