Set in a Dystopian New York City in the year 2018, a Black-Italian Crime Family known as the Scarpa Famiglia are one of the three powerful Mafia Families that hold New York hostage. The Scarpa Famiglia's Godfather is Tyson Scarpa-Williams rules the Mafia Group and his 18 year old daughter, Venessa Scarpa, aka Vendetta of Florence. Venessa is one of a minority of people with Super Powers, approximately a dozen people with extreme Supers that exist in the World. There are many thousands with minor powers however. After a serious incident involving Venessa, and a mysterious individual with Extreme Super Powers, half of Manhattan is leveled in a matter of seconds, and she goes missing. She wakes up in an Orphanage, with no memories, no money, no information of her own existence, and has to live her life in the slums and poverty of New York State proper after the Disaster.
A criminal mastermind makes a bold move against a wealthy client to put himself in a position to retire in comfort. He has no idea what he's up against when a young widow, desperate to make ends meet, sets her eyes on earning the bounty set on his head.
Newly widowed housewife Melody Scott needs to earn some major cash, fast. When her bright and busy children learn that a priceless ruby bracelet has been stolen and a six-figure reward is being offered, they convince her to try to do what the police, museum security, and the best private investigators have failed to do. Working against them is a notorious thief who has met people from around the world, but who has never once encountered a woman like Melody Scott. When the sweet innocence of the Scott family clashes against criminal forces more dangerous than they ever imagined, Melody is all too aware that a mom's got to do what a mom's got to do to protect her family.
The Widow, Melody Scott is a 2021 Watty Award Winner!
Content Warning: This story does contain depictions of stalking behavior.