Set within the universe of My Hero Academia, my original character, Hana, balances the struggles of academy and dorm life, along with formulating friendships, developing her quirk and coming to terms with her peculiar classmates. However, the tables quickly turn when her childhood best friend, Ito, suddenly reappears into her life at the worst possible moment. As Hana is beginning to embrace the heroic mentality of a UA student, will this link be broken by incoming obstacles, or will she overcome the temptations to break away from this normalised lifestyle? ~ 💜🖤
⚠️I do not claim ownership for several of the mentioned original characters in this "novel", however, I have acquired permission from my lovely friend, Morgan (who is also a fictional writer) to include them in this piece. The names mentioned could potentially consist of: Ito, Yume, Mei, Rei, Jace and Kiyo. Any other mentioned OCs are likely to be my own. Furthermore, I do not own the rights to any of the mentioned characters from the Boku No Hero Academia franchise, nor any of the ™ games mentioned. ⚠️
🌸A little bit about me!🌸
My name is Cameron (you can refer to me as Camie) and I indulge in creating original characters for various franchises as a pastime. I'm 13 (on the brink of 14) years old, and aspire to write fictional novels for Wattpad, as well as create digital art content for online platforms. Although writing has not always been a hobby of mine, and may not be something I'm particularly good at, I've found it relaxing and a good way to maintain my active imagination. I also love anime, however, I haven't gotten round to watching many, as I'm always busy with various other things. It may seem basic, but my favourite anime of all time has to be My Hero Academia, purely because I'm attached to the characters, and find them highly relatable. Inserting OCs into this show has just been so comforting for me, and I hope you love them as much as I do. Have fun, stay safe, an