My eyes wondered, although my head was still. I searched the surrounding houses for a spot of difference, but all of them had the same: shimmer of white paint, black door, and exterior window jamb. Beautiful, I thought, how could these ingrates want more?! I scowled. My anger faded quickly as my eyes settled on the statue. It was placed in the middle of a foundation to a large house. You could tell from the foundation that it was two or three times the size of the regular houses. A palace of hatred, that's what Trotsky said. It was a 'lie-brary' before Trotsky burned it; he is the only one that read The Temptation Books. Seeing the error of humanity he saved us from temptation, but a resistance rose against his salvation. Many 'disappeared' like my birth parents. Their minds were infected by temptation and, like the disease it was, it spread. ---x---x---x-x- "Kill him!" "Burn his body!" "Slaughter the plague!"Alle Rechte vorbehalten
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