Advanced Nurturing High School (Kōdo Ikusei Kōtō Gakkō), otherwise known as Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School, is a famous and prestigious high school in Tokyo known to produce many high-quality and efficient students when they graduate. There is a rumor that students who graduate from this school are guaranteed and promised a 100% chance of being employed or admitted to any college/university.
Lifestyle and activities (in class, club, and dorm) differ from other schools. The school provided students with 100,000¥ per month. Not to mention, all comfort and convenient facility provided within the school ground, compound, and campus. Make it... As if this high school looks like a natural paradise.
Ayanokouji Kiyomi was admitted into such a famous high school. But soon she found out that this high school isn't exactly as rumor stated...
Only students with great abilities and true talent would receive such treatment...
Unfortunately, she is admitted into Class D, a class that is known to be full of defective... and laughing stocks of the school.
And with a meeting of new friends and foes... her life will be changed forever. Will it be turned for the better... or the worse?
**This novel is based on/adapted from the original Light Novel Series "Classroom of Elite" by Kinugasa Shougo
I don't own any of the characters, original story plot, timeline, or illustration.
Word of Warning: Mature Content (possibly), Yuri/GL, Offensive Language, Swearing, and Spoilers
Elliot Jensen and Elliot Fintry have a lot in common. They share the same name, the same house, the same school, oh and they hate each other but, as they will quickly learn, there is a fine line between love and hate.