Conversation between Molly and Sherlock post HLV. Regarding the slapping, the high, and the comment Sherlock made about being glad Molly's engagement was over. Molly decides it's time to come face to face with the truth about what lies in her heart. Not only being honest with herself, but to stop being worried, and afraid, and to be honest with the one person she has struggled with in so many ways. Her friend, Sherlock Holmes. The time is now to let him in on the real details about her relationship with Tom, and why it ended. Note: The title is a take on the "No, I don't know why"... "of course you do", lines in The Final Problem, because this fic is about their conversation about their honest feelings and everything that happened before, during, and shortly after Tom. This proves that yes, OF COURSE HE DOES KNOW WHY. This fic is what takes place before "The Incandescent Imposter's Emotional Context", if you would like to read that fic to continue :-) OOH. There has been much speculation as to how long Eurus trolled around London gathering info on Sherlock. We know she is a master of disguise like her brothers!