The princess is her parent's pride and joy. This quality will forever be reflected in her name, which can literally be translated to "King's Victory". Unfortunately, the "Victory" referred to in her name has always winded down to her compliance to everyone's wishes but her own, and, of course, her beauty; seen by everyone as one of the princess' dominant traits.
She is the spitting image of her beloved mother, with her long, caramel colored hair that cascades in soft ringlets down to the small of her back and her blue eyes that remind everyone who looks into them of the beautiful ocean her palace sits near, who's frothy waves lap at the warm, golden sand.
Yes, the princess is always told her eyes were a blessing given to her by the gods, but she knows that whenever her father looks into them, all he'll see is the woman he once loved who was taken from him too soon, and not, in fact, his beautiful daughter that was so lovingly left behind for him. She knows that because of his grief, she will forever be trapped inside the luxurious walls of the palace she grew up in.
So no, she doesn't see her eyes as a blessing. In fact, she sees them as a curse, and she's accepted her fate, never once imagining that it could change. Little did she know, fate is only a suggestion.