The story of Sienna Telestial, her best friend Rosa Apollyon, and her mentors Avel Celestial and Neoma Terrestial, are up against a great curse, The Orchidaceae Curse, or rather simply known as Orchid.
Sienna was the Telestial princess, an evil kingdom in the afterlife. Filled with monsters and witches. But Sienna isn't so monstrous, in fact, she's in love with a human. But that's forbidden. The only few Telestials who help keep her secret are her sister, Amara Telestial, and her best friend, Rosa Apollyon.
Rosa Apollyon is the lesbian play-girl of the kingdom. Pink body, pink hair. She has lots of self confidence, and is very flirtatious. The Telestials love her for her extreme pride and sassiness.
Orchid, or rather known as The Orchidaceae Curse, is a personified curse between an Orchid Flower, and a Wolfsbane. In the Royal Celestial Greenhouse, the two flowers accidentally mixed, and not only did they breed, but the product was cursed with Celestial and Telestial Royal magic. The curse is contagious, and takes a being as a host, searching for it's perfect match, but also killing whoever it uses as a host, but leaves in the end.
Avel Celestial is King of the Celestial Kingdom. He has bravery, strength, and is a great overall leader. He has red-orange hair, freckles, and green eyes.
Neoma Terrestrial is a warrior Queen. Empress of the Terrestial kingdom, kingdom of the moon, and night. Shining purple and indigo hair, dark skin, and teal eyes. She has wisdom, knowledge, and survival skills.
Read on to learn their stories.
[CH598+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's Power
138 parts Ongoing
138 parts
A story following a young hunter named Jay. He has grown up in a world where dungeons, monsters, and humans with leveling systems are a cultural norm. At the age of 20, he awakens a skill that allows him to steal the abilities of monsters. While others are stuck with a specific skill set, he continues to grow stronger after every battle.
Follow Jay's journey as he learns more about his unique situation in a world that's grown blind to the real dangers of modern-day dungeon diving.