In 2021 Tokyo, two rival political factions, the Uedas and the Takagis have spent the past century plotting, pitting their wits against, and fighting each other through mental and physical battles over control over the city. In Taisho High School, Nobura Kaito and Miyazaki Kazane are shipped by every one of their classmates and pretty much the entire school as the power couple due to their status in school as the most handsome and most beautiful student, alongside the fact that they flirt with each other with every chance they get... However, they couldn't be further off the mark. Kazane is actually the daughter of the commander of the Ueda faction sent to Taisho High School after getting intel that Kaito, the son of the commander of the Takagis is going to school there in order to make him fall in love with her to use him to obtain regular intel on the Uedas! Unbeknownst to Kazane, the Uedas already know her as the daughter of the commander of the Ueda faction, and Kaito has also been tasked with making her fall in love with him to obtain intel on the Takagis! What both of them also don't know is that both are top ranking agents in their organizations, used to blackmailing and silencing their enemies. Both only see each other as the stuck-up son and daughter of a commander of the rival political faction. But both don't know the first thing that comes with appealing to the opposite sex! Will Kaito fall to Kazane's charms? Will Kazane fall to Kaito's charms? Or will something else happen along the way? "I will make you fall in love with me!" New chapters every Saturday!
3 parts