Magical Tabby is about a 19 year old girl named Ava Carson. Her story is difficult; her family is poorer which means Ava and her twin brother cannot go to school and must help out with the farm and at the market. Her mother is defiantly evil and seems to have it out for her, making her miserable when the males weren't in the house. Her father loves his little family but seems oblivious to how his wife is making Ava feel. Alistair her twin is her protector from the world, he’ll do anything for his sister and just wants what is best for her but sadly he inherited Mr. Carson’s obliviousness. Then there’s the family pet, an orange tabby that Ava loves dearly, when she finds out a secret about the tabby what magic will appear?
These are GXG oneshots I've decided to write
This book is kinky so if you're not comfortable with that.. im sorry this book isn't for you
[Intersex: A girl having a dick]