Anakin Skywalker has turned to the Dark Side. Padmae is having her child. One child, Luke. Then a second, Leia. Then, unexpected to everyone, a third, Lili. Obi-Wan hides Luke, and a senator adopts Leia. They agree that Lili must be hidden with especial care. The infant is taken on a journey that none dare to take - beyond the Outer Rim, then outside the galaxy. She is left in the care of an orphanage, where she lives, shunned by the others, for fourteen years. But two days after she turns fourteen, a strange man in black comes to visit her. He takes her on board his ship, tells her that she is his daughter, and tells her that she must learn to agree with the emperor and his ways. But Lili does not. After facing the emperor and his wrath, her determination grows stronger. She learns the ways of the Force from Darth Vader, and later uses her knowledge to help the rebels....