Fletcher is a seemingly regular girl in her senior year of high school who lives in Yapalstone, a small town near the Kingdom of Stars Castle. Rahasy is a middle-aged man with a wife and daughter who works for the Order- a lowkey organization run by the Queen of the Kingdom of Stars- live fairly normal lives in their own sense. Fletcher with her day-to-day errands from her grandmother Quiver, and Rahasy with his balancing of his important job and making enough money for his family to thrive. One day, a tragic event strikes the foundation of these normal lives, bringing Fletcher's hometown and Rahasy's close connections to his family crashing down and burning into ashes. These events lead up to the awakening of a prophecy within the Order- but, alas, as a strange sickness infiltrates the leaders of the organization, the prophecy is used for the worst. "The noble arrow's strength will be guided by a heart of pure light... to fix the curse that is to come and stop the eternal night." How far will the point of no return take these two souls? Will they be able to surpass the eventual corruption of the kingdom, even when someone amongst them catches the kingdom's 'sickness'? And, most importantly... Will they live to fulfill very prophecy that may determine the fate of their kingdom and the areas beyond? Follow these two souls' adventure as they face heart-wrenching and heart-warming moments, betrayal and harmony, separation and reunions in the best and worst ways, and the eventual final showdowns in Arrow Through the Heart.