Originally posted on Ao3 (liithiium_enjjoyer).
"Recently I've been talking to Britta, and, well, remember Halloween last year? And how we don't remember anything, and our strange aversion to ABBA music ever since?"
Annie looks at her roommates questioningly, and Troy and Abed slowly nod in affirmation.
"It's so weird, and, well, Britta, being a psychology major, suggested we overcome these troubles in a way that appeals to us all. Give me one second," Annie says as she rushes back to her room and emerges with her hands behind her back. "Behold: a movie-night-exposure-therapy double feature... The ultimate way to get us back into ABBA..."
Annie brings her hands around to reveal a blue DVD case with eight smiling people.
"Mamma Mia!"
Trobedison watches Mamma Mia! to try and remember what happened that one Halloween night... Trobed stuff happens