School Days is a short story series about a boy named Algernon who begins his journey through high school. Algernon is not like most boys he is constantly picked on by the bigger and cooler kids his age. Despite trying to fix the problem by telling his authority figures he can't seem to avoid being bullied. The story will explore different intervals of Algernon's life from the beginning of freshman year all the way to graduation. He meets friends and foes along the way striving to increase his popularity among his classmates. An interesting and humiliating fact about Algernon is that he wears none other than "tighty whities" as his underwear. Algernon faces many embarrassing situations that involve his tighty whities in this series. The range of actions he will face spans from wedgies to paintings and even the dreadful swirlies. Algernon is by all accounts considered a nerd, dork, and loser.All Rights Reserved