A girl named Maki had an unexpected incident in her life when she had an accident five years ago. Her life became complicated after the incident, she lived in the hands of his aunt and uncle when due to the incident, Maki had a trauma and amnesia so she recognized his aunt and uncle as Salvia and Victor as her father and mother.
A man named KASARI OKINAWA wants to claim the CHIMAMIRE NO ESUMERAI a human with chimanire no esumerai blood he needs to further strengthen on his group.
Maki's older brother kosei said three years ago that he faked his death because he had heart disease to help him hide in order to get revenge. Because of the deliberate death of their parents due to a car accident and maki was involved in that accident and that was the reason why she suffered from trauma and amnesia for five years.
Alexandra, hori, and surname of matanabe are seen in maki when people meet her.
For five years, everything that happened in his life was still a mystery to her why his name was only 'MAKI' and she had no surnames.
Over the years, she has often noticed that someone is following her, and the other said that she was have a stalker. What if that stalker of her was the one to save him from the abuses of his acclaimed parents?
What if she finds out that his older brother is a member of an illegal organization? That they call mafia clan/org.?
What she will do?What would do if this senior mystery at his former school and his stalker were one?.
Will she also believe when she finds out who she really is?....
Her life is full of mystery, how can she form the mystery of puzzels?
"Just be by my side, I promise to protect you from them MAKI"
- Shin
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