"Delete the applications!" A growl came from an innocent girl possessed by a demon. " The Bible. Make sure she's embracing His word." Her hands and arms were wider than the ocean, unwilling to embrace the only one that can free her. We never know. We never knew the instruments, the ways the Satan uses to deceive us. The things that we consider normal are the things that glorify the enemy. Do not be decieved. Be vigilant. Do not comfort with the world, because you may not be possessed by a demon literally; but the enemy could be using your body without you knowing. This is my Life Testimony and how Christ has changed me. Especially for those addicted to Kpop tiktok and what other things that Lord can't glorify, this is for you. I'm not saying I'm hitting you but I'm one of those who got lost because of those things. It's me DarSeht and this is My Life TestimonyThis is my Life Testimony and how Christ has changed me. Especially for those addicted to Kpop tiktok and what other things that Lord can't glorify, this is for you. I'm not saying I'm hitting you but I'm one of those who got lost because of those things. It's me DarSeht and this is My Life Testimony.