Inspired by The Hero of Color City and Red: A Crayon Story, this story is about a very young girl, named Ashley, who falls onto a puddle of magic blue crayon wax and swallows it and gains the blue crayon power and learns to use it by drawing blue things with her fingers and then transforms into a giant blue crayon with a Wayne Brady-ish voice like the one from The Hero of Color City. And when the evil mayor abuses her village neighbors and plots to destroy her mansion as her home, it's up to Ashley to free them, fight him and save the day.
In the epic conclusion to the Devil's Deal series, Freya has one final chance to discover the full potential of her own power, and to use it to restore balance in the universe - once and for all. After the destruction caused by Roisin, Ferya and Torix come to terms with their losses and mistakes... And prepare for a final battle that will change everything.