A veces solo necesitas esa mirada de adoración bajo la luz de la luna, ésa mirada que lo dice todo sin necesidad de palabras, esa mirada que te hace sentir tan especial, esa que te hace sentir lo mejor del mundo o, por lo menos lo mejor de su mundo.
Pero siempre ahí dificultades está es la realidad y nuestras realidad no se puede evitar, nada es como en los cuentos de hadas, nada es color rosa, todo tiene un precio un valor y varias veces ese precio no es bajo...Como olvidarte de ésa sinfonía que cantaba mamá para calmarte de las pesadillas, cómo la sinfonía de su voz cuándo me hablaba, la que formaba al reír esa que te reconforta...Y de que al parecer no escucharé más, o tal vez el destinó quiera privarme de ella por un tiempo, no lo se, sólo puedo decir descrubranlo conmigo.
Kiara, a girl, who was sent to an abusive school, just because everyone thought she tried to kill her twin.
She became one of the best underworld fighter. She wanted someone to trust her, someone she could cry in front of and tell how much she had to went through but she had no one in the process.
She was bought back after 11 years, on her mother's family.
And as she thought she was welcomed by hatred, after so many years.
The last thing, she would do was trust her real family, which includes 5 brothers, a sister and a father.
She wanted to go back to that abusive school of her's because it was better to live with some strangers who used to abuse her, then her own family become stranger and hate her.
Also in the way, she finds a guy whom she starts loving.