21 parts Complete || A True Story || - My Tower Hill @Home Time Capsule
Sometimes bad things happen in our world, but it is inevitable. Everything happens for a reason. It is simply a balance of the dichotomy: good and bad. That is how our lives work; most of the time, no one has a choice. We have to learn how to cope and deal with it. However, bad things always makes us stronger because we learn something after it is all over. Plus, we will not make the same mistake again.
We like to believe that we are in control as humans, but no one has real control, ever. However, we
do have hope that provides us with a life of purpose and direction. It is what shapes our humanity as a whole.
This true story will be filled with my experiences, advice, and thank you's, relating to Tower Hill @Home and everyday life during COVID-19. I have to say; this will be the most honest, true story I will ever write.
Remember that "we are all in this together!"
Stay safe and keep smiling :) - Hannah