89 Bölüm Tamamlanmış Hikaye Yetişkin'Screams. Fire. Buildings destroyed. People running to find shelter. "Momma!" A little girl, with chocolate skin, black and thick curly hair, and bright blue eyes. Eyes so bright, looks like it can see a soul. "Papa!" the little girl said with tears in her eyes. "Princess Akari!", the little girl turned to see who called for her. Akari turned and ran to a man with olive skin, short straight red hair and brown eyes. "Uncle, what is going on? Where's momma, papa, my little sisters and younger brother?" The young uncle went down on one of his knees and held eye contact with Akari with one hand on her shoulder. "Princess Akari, I'm sorry but your family is gone." While looking at young Akari, the young uncle thought she was about to cry but he was wrong. Intense killing intent was coming from her. Akari looking down with her hands clenched tightly. "Do you think I'm that stupid?" Akari said darkly. Shock, the young uncle quickly stands up and moved away from Akari. "Where is my real uncle?" Akari with her blue eyes shining brightly than ever. Mostly glowing. Walking closer to the imposter, "Princess, it's me, uncle Dachi!" "No, my uncle never calls me princess. Now tell me! What is going on?" Akari releasing more killing intent, scaring the now uncle imposter. Before the imposter could say anything, a voice behind her spoke up. "That's enough brat." Quickly turning around, Akari stand face to face with her uncle. Akari realized that what is going around, her uncle does not seem to be faze by it. "What did you do uncle?" She questioned. "Something I should have done before you were born." With that, Dachi ran with a sword ready to chop Akari head off. Akari extended her hand and a blue purple light pushed her uncle away.' Ayumu woke up with a start. 'That is a scary dream. I wonder what that was about.'
This story will start in the Leaf Village.
I do not own Naruto and all of the Naruto's characters mention. Masashi Kishimoto owns Naruto.