Love who you want, be who you want and surround yourself with people you want. NEVER CHANGE! For you are wonderful, beautiful and unstopable. No one and nothing can ever stop you from being the person you want to be. Never forget that. And Remember Love IS LOVE🌈❤️ Libri Sekreti Yn i Vogël vazhdon me seritë e tij të reja, seria e 2 sapo ka mbaruar ndërsa seria e 3 do postohet së shpejti ⚠️ NDALOHET KOPİMİ APO POSTİMİ İ HİSTORİSË SİME NË RRJETET E TJERA SOCİALE PA LEJEN E AUTORES (PA LEJEN TİME) ⚠️ Historia e Përfunduar✅ #3whoiam #9wattpad #5drame #1shqip #iloveyou