Minako is a sister of Kuroko Tetsuya, a freshmen student of Seirin High. She came from Philippines for her vacation. Since, Kuroko is staying in the house with his gang, Kiseki no Sedai, he will let her stay there until her vacation ends. And in that moment, he bumped into the captain of the Kiseki, Akashi Seijirou. Akashi made a first move to know Minako and that is the time Kuroko and Midorima became close as well. What will happen to Minako in her life with the Kiseki? Will her lifestyle change because of them? Will there will be a chance that Akashi and Minako will be together? There will be a MidoKuro ship, AoKise ship, or MuraHimu ship?
Main ships: Akashi x Minako (OC)
Other ships: Midorima x Kuroko, Aomine x Kise and Murasakibara x Himuro
I want to see Kurokocchi smile!
Everything started with this exclamation said by Kise, and everyone was on the same page. So will they be able to make the always expressionless Kuroko Tetsuya smile fro them?
A short story about kiseki no sedai who want to see Kuroko smile.
Setting during their time at Teiko, Akashi doesn't have his split personality but still calls everybody with their first name (cause i like it)
It is an Akakuro, their are togheter from the start it's just that they have kissed only a few times.
There will also be
platonic! Kiseki no sedai x Kuroko
the pic in the cover isn't mine.