In the vibrant city of Baton Rouge, Anthony Taylor, a driven 29-year-old lawyer, presides over his thriving firm with a hunger for success that masks deeper insecurities. Lenaia Green, a 24-year-old recent graduate of Texas A&M University, returns home in search of purpose, landing a job at Anthony's firm hoping it will bring clarity to her uncertain future. As their professional relationship deepens, secrets, ambitions, and tangled emotions unravel, set against the sultry backdrop of Louisiana's capital. Amidst the legal battles and personal turmoil, they must navigate treacherous waters where trust is elusive, and every decision carries weighty consequences.
In college, Nia and Marcus's love felt unbreakable. But as graduation looms, their worlds collide and distance shatters their once-perfect connection. Years later, Nia's new life in New York with Derek seems promising, but her heart won't let go of Marcus.
When a family emergency drags her back to California, Nia is thrust into a whirlwind of old emotions and rekindled passion.
Get ready for a breathtaking journey where love defies all odds, proving that some connections are meant to last forever.