Peter never became Spider-Man, and in doing so, he never met Tony. Instead, he met Matt when he was 14 and had just been bitten. Matt, seeing (no pun intended) that Peter wouldn't give up his dream of helping out the little guy, helped him instead of throwing him to the wolves. After a lot of training, and getting a suit from Matt's friends that would protect him, but still allowed him to move, Matt finally let Peter come along on patrols with him. Seeing as Peter was only ever seen with DareDevil and, there suits looked similar in design, the city dubbed him the "Antichrist" or "The Little Horn" and over the years he gained a family in vigilantes and heroes. He was happy, until February of 2016 when May died. May had known about Peter even though Peter hadn't known she had. Knowing she was dying, she had Peter petition for emancipation after she got Matt to make Peter's "job" with him official. On paper, Peter was a payed intern for Nelson&Murdock and the court allowed the emancipation. Peter moved in with Matt, Loki, and James (Bucky) a week after May died and life calmed down. That is until his whole world was turned upside down again when he found a baby on their