Mariah and Tessa settle into the Chancellor mansion which unbeknownst to the ladies, leads to a wakeful night for Abby and Nina. After a sleepless night, Abby and Nina decide not to spare any expense to ensure Mariah and Tessa have their privacy but not before they ensure they have a good laugh as payback. Notes: This is intended all in good fun. This is what the show is driving me to write lol. This fanfic is in response to the horrible surrogacy story that has sidelined Teriah. Y&R's writers had Mariah and Tessa just give up their lives and home at a moment's notice without any discussion with each other about the impact to their own relationship. All this in order to prioritize Abby's family building and make Teriah into props. I wrote this prior to Nina's recent comments about the noise in the mansion carrying. The show cannot manage to give Tessa screen time but they thought it would be fine for Nina to comment critically about her being noisy. I found it very frustrating. I miss Teriah and Tessa! This fanfic story is a similar tone to the Hijinx in Chancellor Mansion series, I just separated it because this story had two parts. If Abby's selfishness and thoughtless does not keep her up at night well then I hope these ladies do... lol Cover Image: Thank you to @VjPetra for creating and letting me use this hilarious Teriah Chancellor Mansion takeover image! If you are enjoy the story, please remember to vote because who wouldn't like getting an exciting star! :)All Rights Reserved