Who's "A" in this life I only have one fair and my biggest weakness (a) but who , what , or where is (a). words that has the letter "a" come in many numbers out of that many number there are approximately 16,869 which starts (a) in the dictionary . Out of the 26 letters of the alphabet there is only this one letter that I fear (A) .weather it's my abilities, strength, love, imagination , or even happiness this one letter takes it all away and drives me straight back in the dark "A" will I ever get over " a"and drive away a"like it drove me away , away from every thing I love , will I ever find happiness again, whose a" you may ask well let's go down a journey to find out don't you want to know if I got rid of that hinder , don't you want to know if I'm strong now or if I'm happy ,whats the real truth behind lies DON'T YOU WANT TO KNOW WHO IS" A". Well stay tune xoxo behindmymaskAll Rights Reserved
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